Yoga on the Dock began in 2015. It is one of my favorite things about the summer.
Begin you wellness journey today.
It’s amazing how often someone will tell me why they can’t do yoga (not flexible, too busy) or why they don’t like yoga (it’s too boring, too easy, too hard).
I listen. Because I know there is a lot of yoga out there. And not every style is meant for every human. I tell them not to give up. Find the class, the studio, the teacher, the community that makes them feel better.
I truly believe yoga is for everyone—if you are not flexible, that is OK (and yoga will help). If yoga is too hard, try a different class or style. It’s too easy? Hmmm…my guess is you were hoping for a workout (I think of yoga as a “work in”) and you need the mindfulness component.
The style of yoga I teach is based on the season. In the swirly late fall and winter we will slow things down and ground. In the spring we will stir it up a bit. Summer? We create some space so we can be less critical and competitive.
Join me for a class via five doors. Or contact me for a private session—I can customize a plan to include wellness goals, or we can simply explore some shapes and practice breath work.
But whether you choose to work with me or not, please start today. Don’t delay.